Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Santa visit flashbacks

This morning the girls and I made a trip to the mall for our annual Christmas picture with Santa. We started this tradition when Camden was born, and as you can see, she cooperated quite well that first year.
December 2004

The next year didn't go quite as smoothly as when she was an infant. However, she didn't cry. She was just very concerned about who this white-haired man, dressed in red was.
December 2005

The following year, Claire joined in the picture. Claire was quite the angel, just sitting quietly and being content. Camden was very reluctant to sit with Santa, so we managed to get her close enough for the picture. Sitting on the arm of the chair was really too close for her, but she complied.
December 2006

This picture makes me laugh. I promise I'm not torturing them. I just wanted a picture of them with Santa, smiling or crying. Either one was fine with me. Camden and Claire both had been crying. Camden managed to compose herself long enough for a photo, but Claire was beside herself. She did not like Santa, did not want to sit in his lap, and especially did not want a picture with him.
December 2007

The following year was a little better, at least for Camden. If I remember correctly, I think I bribed her to sit in Santa's lap for a picture. If she cooperates then she gets cookies from the Cookie Company. It worked. But,there was absolutely no bribing Claire. I had to pry her arms from around my neck and basically throw her on Santa's lap to get the picture.
December 2008

And now for this year's Santa picture. To my surprise, there were NO tears! All of my angels cooperated and acted like angels!!! Camden was shy at first, but hopped right up for the picture. Claire hung on to my waist for a long time, but I finally told her she didn't have to sit in his lap, just stand beside him. She was ok with that and even gave us a smile. Shocking!! And sweet Carlyle was perfect! I even told the lady taking pictures that they would be crying and that it was ok. I still wanted a picture of whatever she got...after all, it's a tradition, right? Guess I was wrong. This year proves to be one of the best visits yet. I wonder how next year's visit will turn out??
December 2009


Leslie said...

I love these...they just make me laugh! I do LOVE their dresses this year in their picture! Fabulous....very fun memories!!

April Roycroft said...

I wish I would have done this! These are priceless! Love 2008 - even Santa looks like he wants to get out of there :) Your girls are beautiful! I love their pjs in the header pic.