Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Leighton

We went to see Mrs. Jennifer and baby Leighton last night and take them dinner. Camden and Claire were so excited about getting to hold baby Leighton. We had gone to see them in the hospital, but they didn't get a chance to hold her then. So,they were so anxious about going over there and had been asking all day when was it time. They were also looking forward to playing with Gage and Aubrey. Here are a few pics of the girls getting some practice in before Carlyle arrives.

Claire's all smiles about holding baby Leighton

Camden's turn...Leighton is a bit fussy. Charley's waiting her turn to hold the baby. She and Mrs. Caren came over too to help bring dinner.

Looks like Camden got her all calmed down. What a good babysitter!

Giving kisses

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