Sunday, October 2, 2011

Camden's Baptism

Back in the summer after Camden became a Christian, we began talking about baptism. She wasn't so sure she wanted to "go under the water". She kept putting it off and one day she asked if she could get baptized when she was 7. I told her that was fine and then I mentioned that her birthday was going to fall on a Sunday and it would be really neat if she got baptized on that day. She immediately was on board and was telling everyone that she was going to get baptized on her birthday. She was so excited!!

Sunday morning, after getting up and letting Camden open birthday presents, we had breakfast, got dressed and headed to church. I had everything laid out for the morning, including Camden's dress and a bag with shoes, undies, hair dryer, bow and brush. In our rush to get out the door, I grabbed my Sunday School lesson, Bible, Carlyle's diaper bag and my purse, completely forgetting Camden's dress and bag. We got about 10 minutes down the road and I remembered that I forgot the dress. We turned around and Jeremy ran inside and grabbed it. It never even dawned on me that I didn't have the bag until we got to church. UGH!!! I am a Type A personality, wanting everything to be PERFECT! However, this morning wasn't going as planned. Instead of getting upset, which I normally would have done, I tried to make the best of what had happened. Camden was just going to wear panties while getting baptized because the robes are pretty thick. Since the pair of panties that she had on were the only pair we had, she got baptized with nothing on except her robe. I remembered seeing a red bow in the nursery that had been left there for several weeks. Not sure who it belonged to, but we used it Sunday morning (hope we don't get lice from that). So, Camden wore her dress, a borrowed red bow and her pink flip flops to church. Not the look we were going for, but what funny memories!!

The Lord used that incident on Sunday morning to remind me that the things I sometimes think are important aren't really important at all. Watching Camden get baptized put things into perspective. Knowing where we are going to spend eternity is important. Spending time with our family is important. Treating others the way we want to be treated is important. Teaching our children about Jesus and the love He has for us is important.

1 comment:

kate said...

what a sweet moment to document. sorry the morning didn't go as planned. that's how it would have been at our house. :) love the sweet pics of her baptism, and you're right about what's really important!