Sunday, June 5, 2011

20 months

Carlyle turned 20 months old on May 18. I actually forgot about doing a post, so here it is...only two weeks late. Carlyle has become very opinionated lately. She will tell you no or yes if you ask her a question and she knows exactly what she wants. We were at my parents house the other day and I asked her if she wanted a cookie, to which she said yes. So, I went to the drawer and pulled out a box of Nilla wafers. She looked at me and shook her head and said no. She then looked in the drawer and pulled out the package of Oreos. I handed her an Oreo and before she took a bite, she twisted them apart and started licking the icing. She is so funny!! When she is finished eating, she continues to throw her food on the floor. I can look at her and with a very stern face tell her "No, we don't throw food". She will look straight at me and with a grin, throw another piece. I can swat her hand and tell her no...she continues to do what she wants. Jeremy can't help but laugh, and has yet to swat her. He leaves that up to me. I admit...I do think she is pretty darn cute, but I am trying to train her the right way. Her cute little smile makes it hard to discipline. Carlyle still LOVES her paci and blanket, two things that I think will be hard to break her of. Carlyle's vocabulary has grown so much. She can repeat almost anything you say and it's so cute hearing her say new words and even phrases. I think the first sentence that she said was "I want a cookie". Of course, it was food related. Ha! I'm exhausted and can't really think of much more to say except that Carlyle has completed our family and we love her so much! Her personality makes us smile and we are so grateful that the Lord placed her in our family!! Here are two pictures taken on May 18 at Camden's field day.

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