Friday morning we got up and had a very lazy day. We spent the night at my cousin Stephanie's house. They have horses, cats and a dog. Camden and Claire were a little leary of the dog, but after a little while, realized she was ok. They loved the cats and were fascinated with the horses. Camden decided she wanted to ride a horse, and she did really well. Claire made it up on the horse before she got scared and wanted down.
Levi, Carlyle and Camden
Camden riding the horse
Carlyle made good friends with Rod and loved sitting in his lap. I think he liked it, too.
Emma Grace and Camden playing on the Wii
Claire's turn
Later that afternoon, two of my cousins and I headed out to find the Duggar's house. The Duggars live in Tonitown and my cousins live in Springdale. The two cities are very close. And, we were successful in our venture. It was a beautiful day so we were sure we'd see kids playing outside, but unfortunately, we didn't. However, if you look closely, you will see tons of bikes all lined up on the front porch.
The building where the film crew sets up to do interviews with the Duggars.
If you watch The Duggars on TV, then you know their oldest son, Josh, has a car dealership in Springdale, Arkansas. My cousin's husband, Rod, works at a car dealership, also. He has seen and even talked to Josh several times at the car auctions. Rod was kind enough to drive me by Josh's car lot. Here are a couple of pictures.
Friday evening we had dinner at my uncle's house with the whole family and Saturday morning everyone met up for my breakfast at my cousin Michelle's house. After the kids played for awhile, we loaded up and headed back to Texas. We had such a fun time and we can't wait to see everyone again, hopefully soon! Camden and Claire have already said they miss their cousins.
The two 4 yr olds having fun! Mallory and Claire
Jack, Camden, Levi, Carlyle, Kenlee, Olivia and Mallory (Claire refused to take a picture and Emma Grace was not there)
Carlyle playing outside. She loved the slide.
Trying for a cousin picture. Notice Claire's head is down. She again refused to look at the camera.
This is about the 15th picture taken, still with Claire's head down.
Finally, after coming inside Claire said she would smile. All the cousins: Jack, Emma Grace holding Olivia, Mallory, Claire, Camden, Kenlee and Levi holding Carlyle
Camden, Kenlee and Levi
Uncle Lonnie holding Mallory and Carlyle
1 comment:
i love all the duggar pics!! i so would have gone into the car lot to see if josh was there!! their house looks beautiful. looks like an awesome trip!!
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