Thursday, January 6, 2011

Outside Fun

This afternoon the weather was so nice that I told the girls once we got home they were to change their clothes, put on some shoes and we were going to play outside. They were thrilled. So, we started out with bikes, scooters, the roller coaster and then we had to pull out the Escalade. A friend told me how to make this power wheels go faster. I unscrewed the screw and voila...this car will get up and go!!! Watch out!!! Camden got in it and it sped past me and she was in awe!!! WOW! Carlyle was dying to get in the car with Camden so I buckled her in (actually just velcroed the two straps together) and told Cam to hold on to her. Carlyle LOVED it! She cried and cried when Jeremy took her out. Claire had fun, too. I can't believe that I just now figured out how to make the car go faster...we've had this Power Wheels for 2 years. Oh well, it's probably for the best. I think the expressions on their face tell how much fun it was!!

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