Camden, Claire and Carlyle ready for the first day of Bible School
Carlyle has not been acting normal this week. She's thrown up three times this week at very random times, has not been wanting her bottle and has been sleeping alot more than normal. I had an appt at the doctor's office for Monday, but decided to cancel it because she seemed to be doing better. But, on Tuesday morning I called and made another appt for that afternoon. She had so much wax in her right ear that Dr. Barret had to dig in her ear five times, while I am holding her arms and legs and she is SCREAMING!! That ear was infected. I asked if her throwing up could be related and he said that it could or could not. So, who knows. But, Carlyle's first tooth popped through on Monday so maybe that could be related to her symptoms. It's all a guessing game...and this kid sure does keep me guessing. She is starting to act more normal and taking her bottle more, but still not at every feeding. I'm hoping that by the weekend she will be back to her schedule and is back to "normal", whatever that is.
Poor Carlyle
Monday and Tuesday night Camden had her last two t-ball games. I had my camera on Tuesday night, but as soon as I turned it on, the battery went out. Ugh!!! Marme', Pops, and Papa came to the game both nights to cheer on Camden and the Wildcats. Thanks to Nana for staying with Carlyle. The game didn't start til 7:30 both nights and I knew Carlyle would be much happier at home and in bed!! Monday night Claire decided that she wanted to stay with Nana, so after Carlyle went to bed they made some cookies! And they were very yummy!! Tuesday night Claire thought going to the game sounded like fun. She did pretty well, but was definitely ready to go home when it was over! We've had some late nights and the girls have gone to sleep pretty easily every night, which is always nice. They are even sleeping a little later in the mornings. Of course, why can't they sleep late on mornings when we don't have any where to go??? They always decide to sleep late when we actually have to get up and get ready...ugh!!
It has rained ALL day today, which I would have loved if I had been at home today. But, the rain is always appreciated, especially in the summer. Now maybe our water bill won't be too high this month. Jeremy takes pride in a green yard and our water bill for the months of May through September are usually sky high. When we got home from Bible School today the girls wanted to put on their rain boots, rain jackets and get their umbrellas to play outside. They had fun, but didn't stay out too long. I think they were pretty tired and were anticipating their afternoon nap (just as I was). Every now and then I will take a nap with the girls, but it's usually on a Sunday afternoon. But, for some reason, I have been exhausted this week and have laid down with the girls EVERY day and slept a LONG time!!
After dinner tonight, the girls and Jeremy were playing the Wii. Claire wanted her Daddy to get the guitar out and play Guitar Hero. They were having fun "helping" him and dancing around. Even Carlyle was cheering on her Daddy! We have had a fun, but busy week! Hoping our weekend is a bit more relaxed!
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Carlyle looks so much like Claire in the first picture! I love their cute!
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