Saturday was supposed to be a low-key day. The girls spent the night with my parents Friday night so Saturday morning I headed to their house to get them. I had promised my mom I would help her clean out one of her closets. While we cleaned, the girls played outside with Papa. Around 11am we had finished and sat down to take a break. The girls were in and out and Camden came in to ask if she could have a piece of candy. My dad had bought several bags of the miniature candy bars (Butterfinger, Baby Ruth and Snickers). I told her she could have one piece since it was about lunch time. I never thought twice about how she would open the bag. A few seconds later, she walked up to me with a paper towel around her finger and told me she needed a band-aid because she cut her finger. When I asked how she cut it, she told me a knife. She never cried or freaked out. In fact, she was so calm about the whole thing. When I looked at it and saw how deep the cut was, I knew I needed to take her and get it stitched up. When I said that, then the freaking out began. Ha! My friends' husband is a doctor and he is the one who tended to Camden a few months ago when she got her finger slammed in the door. So, we went back to Mr. Ben and he stitched her right up. The hardest part was holding her down while he gave her the injections to numb her finger. After that, we both sat and watched as he put in 4 stitches. She was such a brave girl, but I think she has learned her lesson about knives. What a day!!!
Camden after getting stitches. You can't see them b/c of the band-aid, but they are there:)
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