At 17 months, you may ask...what's Carlyle up to? Well, she is saying LOTS of words!!! She continues to say "hi baby" when she sees a baby, which is just about one of the cutest things ever! When asked how old she is, she will say "two". I have no idea why she says this. The only thing I can think of is that the girls will count to her and maybe she just picked up on the number 2. Well, in 7 more months "two" will be accurate! Just today, Carlyle tried to mimick what someone said at school and attempted to say "lemonade". She has also said cookie, juice, please, more, mommy, and daddy. When we get in the car, she immediately points to the DVD player and says "movie". I know I'm biased, but I think she's pretty smart...and cute! Even though she hasn't started walking yet...ha! I guess she feels no need to walk. Carlyle gets wherever she wants to go, whether it's by crawling or someone carrying her. I'm not really wishing she would walk, but boy, she sure does get heavy after awhile!
The last couple of weeks she was fussier than normal, with a runny nose, cough, etc... I knew it was a cold, but I thought it might be teething, too. Finally, Monday morning I noticed that another tooth came in. She has been so much happier, which makes us all happy!! I'm definitely glad she's feeling better.
Carlyle is a great sleeper, especially at night. I hate to have to wake her up in the mornings to take Camden to school, so I started putting her to bed around 6:30pm and it's been great! She goes straight to sleep and will sleep all night until around 6:30 or 7:00am. WONDERFUL!!! I love her SO MUCH for that:)
We are definitely seeing more of Carlyle's personality each day. She is funny, sweet, kind of sassy, and makes me smile more times than I can count. What a blessing she is to our family! We love her so much!